So by spending a little bit of time now to download, customize, and set up quotes, proposals, and contracts, you’ll minimize the hassle and frustration of trying to do it all after you land a new client and need to get the client set up quickly while also fulfilling the actual work. Furthermore, there is a myriad of legal risks you may expose your business to, should you not have a strong contract.

The problem with cutting corners with informal agreements like this is that you have no record of the terms that you and the client are mutually agreeing to.īecause of this, it’s unlikely that you’ll have legal recourse if you have a dispute over what was agreed to at what price, or if the client turns into a deadbeat and decides not pay the invoice. It’s amazing how many photographers skip the proposal or quote, and worse, they fail to require their clients to sign a contract.

If you’re a photography business owner, one of the most valuable activities you can invest time into is to build a library of the document templates that you’ll use to run your business like proposals, quotes, and contracts.